12 February 2011

Showers, Birthdays, and Soft Hair

This week many things happened. Not among the least of them, I showered a record four times. They were all on one day, but at least I got to four in one week (I'm working up to seven). I also recorded a birthday. My friend Mike turned 25 on Tuesday so I gave him a ring-a-ding and then scratched the day into my stone wall, thus marking it for all posterity. I also threw a party for myself in honor of the day my mother successfully bore me. She's only bored me once in twenty five years of knowing her so each year on the anniversary I like to have a little fete.
Since it was my party and I was hosting it I figured I'd better do what I need to do in order to make it enjoyable. (There were a record eleven letter 'i's in that sentence). So what do I enjoy? Good friends who are female and rice cakes. Two men were invited but ruefully theirs they didn't show up. My aunt and uncle with whom I gratefully live with were quite pleased with the outpouring of estrogen in the house. As for party food- it didn't make much sense to buy something I didn't plan on eating so I purchased rice cakes. If you don't like rice cakes you can buy whatever food you want on your own anniversary of maternal boredom, but as for me and my house we will  eat rice cakes. We all had a risible time together, myself especially, and I'm looking forward to renting a car in the future. Twenty Four was my favorite age thus far but that doesn't mean things can't get better!

Funny things that were said in my class this week:
"Mr. Bennett, do you straighten your hair in the morning?"
"Mr. Bennett, do you dye your hair?"
I guess African-American children are really intrigued by Caucasian hair, and they have lots of questions about it. I was going to get a haircut this weekend but I didn't want to let my children down. They would be so disappointed. I used to have a lot of questions about Black hair too, but then I got them answered.


Jenny said...

Maternal boredom! Ha!

Emily said...

Happy Birthday, Dave. Another hilarious post:)

Kristin Bishop said...

female friends and rice cakes... sounds like you're livin' the life!